Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the 2017 – 2018 academic year at Tanta Modern School T.M.S We are excited and honored to welcome each and every parent and student who believed in us and joined T.M.S. This school year will be a year of setting and reaching attainable goals, working harder and smarter, taking our student’s achievement to the next level of “GREATNESS”. At T.M.S. we are dedicated to a student-centered program that promotes academic excellence through an enriched, rigorous inter-disciplinary curriculum.
We are confident in our staff professional abilities and commitment. We are here to support all of you, by any means necessary, plus ensuringthat our students reach their fullest academic potential.
Our parents, we need your encouragement and support to assist your child to be responsible. This year, students can look forward to an encountering, highly intensive and challenging academic program that will push their work beyond limits.
Our goal is to ensure that all students become critical thinkers, active problem-solvers, inquisitive readers, diligent researchers and prolific writers. We do all of this to prepare students for the demands of the real-world so they may become productive citizens, and future leaders.
We hope that our Student-Parent Handbook will serve as a guide and answer all questions regarding policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. We want you to share in the genuine excitement that is a part of T.M.S. Our school and staff are striving to do the very best job possible to provide a quality education for each and every student. The strength and unifying ingredient of T.M.S. is our mutual partnership involving students, teachers, staff, and parents; working together, we can accomplish tremendous benefits!
School Academic Consultant